
奥斯卡-克劳德·莫奈印象派和后印象派艺术家(法文:Oscar-Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日,享年86岁),法国画家,被誉为“印象派领导者”,是印象派代表人物和创始人之一,代表作有日出·印象、卢昂大教堂、睡莲、干草堆等。“印象”一词即是源自其名作《日出·印象》,莫奈擅长光与影的表现技法,改变了阴影和轮廓线的画法,在其画作中没有非常明确的阴影,亦无突显或平涂式的轮廓线。此外,他对于色彩的运用相当细腻,曾长期探索实验色彩与光的完美表达。


Port d`Aval

The Japanese Bridge at Giverny

The Rose Bush

Water Lilies

Water Lilies

Water Lilies, Green Reflection (left half)

Water Lilies, Green Reflection (right half)

Water Lily Pond, Evening (left panel)

Water Lily Pond, Evening (right panel)

The House among the Roses

The House among the Roses 2

The House Seen through the Roses

The House Among the Roses

The Japanese Bridge

Path under the Rose Trellises

The Artist's House from the Rose Garden

The Artist's House, View from the Rose Garden

The Garden at Giverny

The House at Giverny Viewed from the Rose Garden

The House Seen from the Rose Garden

The House Seen from the Rose Garden 3

The Japanese Bridge

The Japanese Bridge

The Japanese Bridge



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